GROUP 18 - Music Video 2008/9
Friday, 14 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Feedback on final.
Most people seemed to like it.
Every single person said "Great performance, bit out of sync" or something to that effect. People pointed out some stuff we didn't know we did that was good, but for the purposes of looking good, yes, we did purposefully put Ollie in when the trumpet plays because he plays trumpet. Most people seemed to find it entertaining, random or crazy. That bit with the stuff was well received. Lots of people liked the editing, but some suggested the bits which we used two different shots facing each other would have looked better in a mirror. The cartoon stuff was said to flow well. Everyone seemed to like the effects, cartoon ones but they found the bad tv effect odd, but we used to to make to footage better. EVERYONE loved the costumes and colours. How clever are we?
Labels: Alice W-M
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Shooting at Tescos
The shoot at tesocs was a bit disasterous because when we got there, we found our camrea had no battery, however, we had a back-up camera which didn't give as good quality, but was better than nothing. It was quite difficult to get everyone organised and get shots without people in. Also, the store said they didn't know we were coming dispite the fact that we had had a phonecall saying it was okay and that the staff would be informed.
Labels: Alice W-M
Monday, 13 October 2008

>>> Due on Moodle by 9am Monday 20th October
Part 1 should be about 1500 words in length and should consider the planning, shooting and editing to rough cut stage. You should make use of your blog as a reference point throughout! Where you refer to real examples for comparison, give web references and as much detail as possible e.g. artist/song and video director.
Explain what task you did for the AS production and how this one differs from it.
(e.g. thriller/kids Tv)
Part One
Explain briefly how the work came about and what the tasks were.
(Talk about learning more techniques for final Cut, analysing some real music videos and looking at student examples,talk from promo director, music range of choices, etc)
Which band/artist did your group choose and why?
(give some positive reasons here)
How did you ‘pitch’ for them?
(summarise briefly)
Where did you get your ideas from? Cite actual examples as shown on your blog!
What tasks had to be done in the research and planning phase? How were these handled and what could have been done to improve them?
(talk about storyboarding, animatic, organising places, props, equipment, people)
How did the group come to decisions about approaches to the tasks to be completed? (what range of options did you consider and why did you opt for the choices you made?)
What roles did the various people in the group take on? Concentrate particularly on your role in the various activities.
Talk about any test footage you shot. What did you learn from doing these tests and from the animatic?
Write about the shoot. What went well/badly? what could you have done differently?
Consider your early editing and how you reached the rough cut stage. Outline this process and discuss decision-making you undertook.
What does the group feel about the rough cut? What feedback have you had from director/ other students etc? what still needs to be done?
Labels: S*A*T
Friday, 10 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
The letter we sent to tescos
After college one day, Alice went for a wander over to the big stores in hopes of getting permission to film. No such luck, but tescos told us to write a letter, so here is it:
Dear Mr. Savory,
I represent a collective of media students currently studying at Long Road Sixth Form College. We are writing to request your permission to shoot some footage for our A level project at your store.
To minimalise any inconveniences this may cause you, we hope to film at the least busy part of the day with a maximum crew of eight. We will arrive in costume and be sure not to disturb any of your customers. We hope to film on the 6th of October at 9pm.
The music video we make will appear at the arts picture house in Cambridge on the 13th of November in front of other media students and media teachers, and we will include a thank you to the store.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Yours Sincerely
Alice Walker-Mitchell
We used college paper to show we were actual students. However, despite leaving a telephone number and address, we have yet to get a reply, hence we will have to think of a new place to film. Maybe in front of stores? Or in a kiddies park? Somewhere colourful is essential.
Labels: Alice W-M
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Moar videos
Rian's going to look like this....face-wise, due to him not finding a pair of aviator goggles. We figured to make him look more 'villain-esque' some sort of make up would suffice.
Power Rangers.
One of the superhero greats.
Labels: Josh R
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
student video analysis
There is a lot of visualization of lyrics in this video. The video starts with an arguing couple, who, in the narrative, then "get away" as is said in the song. The use of the beach symbolizes holiday and freedom, when the couple are there they get on. Some clever techniques are used in this video, as in where the guy at the start freezes while the singer continues.
location fits the genre of music. the greyscale effect goes well with the song, but with the lighting it makes the video hard to see. the shot of the ambulance was worked very good as the intro. the video was focused on performance.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Boxes are square - Gareth
How very true, we may run into complications with the squareness of the boxes, we may have to abandon the original idea of painting each box side a different colour, due to the smaller sides of a few of the boxes. Also, the amount of paint may be an issue. However we will persevere.
Labels: Gareth
Monday, 22 September 2008
Not quite on subject....
While in the car I was having ideas for other music videos for the songs on the radio, for example, Baby it's fact - Hellogoodbye came on the radio and I suddenly got inspired to make a video where a couple are driving along with the song on and their car suddenly takes off and takes them to cloud 9. Interesting idea for 8 in the morning....
Labels: Alice W-M
Plans - What we need to do, what has been done
Needs to be done:
finish costumes - paint the tights
Arrange a date for tescos
paint the boxes
find a 6
get the evil guys costumes ready
create a dance routine
Bought costumes (thanks go to alice for the cash)
rounded up 5 people to be super heros - alice, leo, josh, ollie, melissa (except alice,all friends of alice)
collected a few boxes, although, we don't know if it's enough for a wall.
taken pictures of possible location for the wall of boxes:
All in all, we need to get to get on with it!!!
Labels: Alice W-M
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Brian, Top marks for not trying.
This is the video for the Arctic Monkey song 'Brianstorm' we took alot of inspiration from this due to having a dance infront of some bright lights which related to our dancing in front of boxes painted brightly.
Labels: Josh R
Monday, 15 September 2008
How about a superhero theme? With like, KAPOW signs and such! It would work and look cool. I think it'll be awesome!!!! So yeah, stuff like this.

and a bit of
Okay, that about sums it up. :)
Labels: Alice W-M
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Researched Music Videos.
I've been looking at a bunch of music video's that I have liked certain parts about, ranging from the whole feel of the video, to certain extracts.
Polysics - Electric Surfin' Go Go. I like the overral feel of this video, with the bright colours and use of animation.
I Monster - 'Hey Mrs' Once again, another brightly coloured video.
Labels: Josh R
Well so far, our idea for Alphabeats Fantastic 6 involves lots of dancing and bright colours, we wanted to do a simple choreographed routine in some parts while in other parts we'll have performance. We are planning to acquire many cardboard boxes and paint them all different colours to make a backdrop. Also we will use other bits o' footage inter spliced in between sections of dance. Also we're gonna reference the superhero theme with some scenes where the "World police" save people. We also might have some people jumping through the walls of cardboard boxes.Paint will also be thrown around in a playful manner. Also we're gonna dress up in lots of costumes with lots of wigs and stuff. It's gonna be awesome. Fo Shizz.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Fantastic Lyrics
A-a-a-a-a woo woo
A-a-a-a-a woo woo
Sci-fic stars on the postcard skies,
White hair, black ties,
Riding in atomic jets,
A-a-a-a-a woo woo
They have crash helmets on,
Just like Major Tom,
They are the space troopers,
Super duper!
eins zwei drei
Weltpolizei (in english- one two three world police)
Twentyfour Seven
From Heaven
They'll be watching over all of us,
The international
A-a-a-a-a woo woo
Hey you, what to do?
You're high strung,
Relax, ku-ku-ku-choo.
They'll do the tricks,
The Fantastic 6.
A-a-a-a-a woo woo
Come on! Don't be hysterical,
It's the making of a miracle,
Everytime they save chicks,
The Fantastic 6.
Eins Zwei Drei
Twentyfour Seven
From Heaven
They'll be watching over all of us,
The international
Eins Zwei Drei
Twentyfour Seven
From Heaven
They'll be watching over all of us,
The international
Eins Zwei Drei
Twentyfour Seven
From Heaven
They'll be watching over all of us,
The international
1. You're My Flame - Sia 3:18
2. I Got Da Feelin - Sweet Tee 4:15
3. Bouncy Ball - Ladyfuzz 2:48
4. Don't Want To See You - Camera Obscura 3:17
5. Fantastic Six - Alphabeat 3:39
6. No Looking Back - Anti-Social Burn-Outs 3:09
7. Heroes - Hot Leg 2:44
8. Oh My Sweet - The New York Fund 3:39
9. Friends Are False - The Delays 4:10
10. Boston - Augustana 4:06
11. Back Against The Wall - Cage The Elephant 3:48
12. Harm's Way- Waco Brothers 2:42
13. Powers - Blackalicious 3:47
Labels: S*A*T